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Make your email campaign 10x better

Don't know what to write?
No problem.

We collect intelligence on each of your email campaign target before writing the best emails to boost your campaign

Hyper personalized first line

Personalization at scale

We generate hyper personalized first line for each of your email campaign recipient based on their online activity

Higher Engagement and Open Rates
Personalized emails tend to grab the recipient's attention more effectively than generic ones
Be Remembered
When you tailor your emails to individual information and include personalized elements you create a memorable and distinctive experience
Improved Customer Relationships
Showing that you took the time to collect information about what your recipient care will directly start your relationship with an advantage
First Line Generated Examples
  • " First off, big fan of Madrivo here! I was checking out your website and I'm impressed by how your marketing platform helps businesses reach new customers and boost sales. "

    Generated for Iris Wan

    Sr. Publisher Develop Manager at Madrivo

  • "I just checked out your LinkedIn and saw that you are interested in social selling for B2B."

    Generated for Anna Pomazanova

    Project Manager at ModumUp

  • "I've noticed Results Driven Marketing, and wanted to say you are doing a great job offering data-driven marketing services."

    Generated for Magda Kobierecka

    Senior Finance Manager at Results Driven Marketing LLC

ICP Detector

Best targets

We generate an accurate Persona Targeting Score (PTS) per recipient. The PTS is a matching score that evaluates the compatibility between the recipient and your ICP

More accurate campaign
Prioritize the recipients that have the higher PTS score to be more accurate
Less spam, more replies
Target people that really need your services & boost your campaign statistics
Increase profitability
This is what happens when you talk to the right customer everytime

More features to come

This is only the begining of our journey to transform email campaigns!

How to use it?

Upload your CSV
We only need your recipient name, linkedin url and company name
Let us do our magic
We collect information on each recipient - then we craft with A.I the best personalized first line. We also calculate the PTS.
Collect your first lines
After 24h you can collect all your first lines and PTS scores

Simple & effective

Additional features

Great things are the simpliest

Invite team members
Build with your colleague the best email campaign
API Access
Send your request programmatically
Don't need to wait 24h before collecting your first line, we send it to your endpoint directly